


Cetin 等 (參考1) 在2024 年2 月號《美國婦產科、母胎醫學雜誌》上發表的新臨床實踐指南根據omega-3脂肪酸可降低妊娠期風險的證據,提出了懷孕期間長鏈omega-3 的攝入量建議。

  • 對於育齡婦女,作者建議每天從多脂魚或補充劑等食物中攝取至少 250 毫克DHA和EPA;
  • 懷孕期間,每天至少額外攝取 100 至 200 毫克 DHA。
  • 對於 DHA 攝取量和/或狀況較低的女性,建議每天攝取 600 至 1,000 毫克 DHA 或 DHA + EPA。


PRN OV藻油每5亳升同時提供 330毫克 EPA、670毫克 DHA及 220毫克 DPA。



Cetin I, Carlson SE, Burden C, da Fonseca EB, di Renzo GC, Hadjipanayis A, Harris WS, Kumar KR, Olsen SF, Mader S, McAuliffe FM, Muhlhausler B, Oken E, Poon LC, Poston L, Ramakrishnan U, Roehr CC, Savona-Ventura C, Smuts CM, Sotiriadis A, Su KP, Tribe RM, Vannice G, Koletzko B; Clinical Practice Guideline on behalf of Asia Pacific Health Association (Pediatric-Neonatology Branch), Child Health Foundation (Stiftung Kindergesundheit), European Academy of Paediatrics, European Board & College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants, European Society for Paediatric Research, and International Society for Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Omega-3 fatty acid supply in pregnancy for risk reduction of preterm and early preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol MFM. 2024 Feb;6(2):101251. doi: 10.1016/j.ajogmf.2023.101251. Epub 2023 Dec 7. PMID: 38070679.

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